News & Events

Visit of the Presidents of the Polish Academy of Sciences to our Institute

Prof. Marek Konarzewski, President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Aleksander Welfe, Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, visited the Institute on Monday 29 July. The visit, which included a meeting with staff, was an opportunity to present, among other things, the ideas and provisions contained in the proposal for a new Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences, prepared by the Academy's environment, and to confront it with the proposal currently under consultation, prepared by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Presidents of the Academy also became acquainted with the current status and plans for the development of the Institute's research facilities, in particular the Laboratory of Environmental and Experimental Microbiology and the resources of the of the NKB IB PAN, an infrastructure considered to be of strategic importance in Poland.

Several people lean over a large counter. They look at large, colorful photographs of microscopic fungi and share their notes

Presentation of extremophilic fungi cultures.
Photo: Paulina Sulima-Samujłło

Two men stand behind a large wooden table. A woman stands to the side introducing them to the audience sitting in armchairs

Welcoming of the Presidents of the Polish Academy of Sciences by the Director of IB PAN, Prof. Lucyna Śliwa.
Photo: Paulina Sulima-Samujłło

Two men sit behind a large wooden table. One of them gesticulates and speaks to the audience

Discussion on the draft Acts on the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Photo: Paulina Sulima-Samujłło

Four people talk at a long wooden table and look at specimens in boxes of various sizes spread out on it

Presentation of the paleobotany collections.
Photo: Paulina Sulima-Samujłło