Books & Journals

Publishing Activity

Since it was established in 1953, W. Szafer Institute of Botany of the Polish Academy of Sciences has disseminated research findings, publishing them (most often in open access) at its own publishing house which is now on the list of publishers of the reviewed scientific monographs (according to the announcement from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of 29.09.2020).

The IB PAS publications cover all aspects of botany. We currently publish:

The IB PAS Publishing House activity is supervised by the Editorial Council of the IB PAS. The more detailed editorial policy of journals is framed by the Editorial Boards.

The IB PAS Publishing House offers a range of services related to the editorial and technical processing of all types of publications, providing graphic processing, typesetting, cover design, pre-press, and contact with the printing office (contact with the Publishing House).

The IB PAN Publishing House conducts mail-order sales of books and journals (see Publishing Catalogue or contact with the Publishing House).


IB PAS is a beneficiary of the "Doskonała nauka II" ("Excellent Science II") programme

In 2023, the Institute of Botany PAS has obtained financial assistance to carry out two projects within the programme: "Doskonała nauka II" ("Excellent Science II"), within the module: "Wsparcie monografii naukowych" ("Support for scientific monographs") established by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The grant is allocated to publish two monographs:

  • The Agaricomycotina of the Kotlina Orawsko-Nowotarska basin, Western Carpathian Mts (Poland) (Authors: Halina Komorowska, Dariusz Karasiński, Zofia Heinrich) – PLN 37,875.61 of co-financing out of the total value of PLN 42,216.48;
  • Lichens of Poland. A fifth annotated checklist (Authors: Wiesław Fałtynowicz, Paweł Czarnota, Beata Krzewicka, Karina Wilk, Agnieszka Jabłońska, Magdalena Oset, Lucyna Śliwa, Martin Kukwa) – PLN 36,619.47 of co-financing out of the total value of PLN 41,024.97.

The programme is aimed to provide financial assistance for the higher education and scientific institutions, and other organizational units promoting science, to realize projects aimed at the presentation of scientific achievements, including new research and development findings, through the organization of scientific conferences and publication of scientific monographs.

Module: "Support for scientific monographs" is dedicated to providing financial assistance to projects related to publishing scientific monographs of high scientific quality and importance for the development of science, or growth of the Polish economy, presenting scientific achievements, including the newest findings of research and development, to disseminate these findings at national and international levels, and to make them accessed online for free (open access, not bound by price and permission barriers).

Flag and emblem of Poland


IB PAS is a beneficiary of the "Rozwój czasopism naukowych" ("Development of scientific journals") programme

In December 2022, the journals Acta Palaeobotanica and Plant and Fungal Systematics published by the IB PAS received funding from the Ministry of Education and Science under the "Rozwój czasopism naukowych ("Development of scientific journals") programme for the preparation of subsequent issues.

The planned project costs are:

  • for the journal Acta Palaeobotanica – PLN 88,226 – and will be fully covered by the Ministry;
  • for the journal Plant and Fungal Systematics – PLN 111,276 – of which the Ministry's co-financing is PLN 80,000.

The project will be implemented until the end of September 2024.

The aim of the programme is to support Polish scientific journals in the implementation of their development strategy, including activities aimed at raising the level of publishing and editing practices, increasing the impact of journals on the progress of science and keeping journals in the international scientific circulation.

Flag and emblem of Poland


IB PAS is a beneficiary of the "Doskonała nauka" ("Excellent Science") programme

The Institute of Botany PAS has obtained financial assistance to carry out two projects within the programme: "Doskonała nauka" ("Excellent Science"), within the module: "Wsparcie monografii naukowych" ("Support for scientific monographs") established by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The grant is allocated to publish two monographs:

  • Porosty w korytach potoków w polskich Karpatach Zachodnich [Lichens in the river beds in the Polish Western Carpathians] (Author: Natalia Matura),
  • The lichenized, lichenicolous and other non-lichenized fungi of Central Poland. A catalogue (Author: Krystyna Czyżewska).

The programme is aimed to provide financial assistance for the higher education and scientific institutions, and other organizational units promoting science, to realize projects aimed at the presentation of scientific achievements, including new research and development findings, through the organization of scientific conferences and publication of scientific monographs.

Module: "Support for scientific monographs" is dedicated to providing financial assistance to projects related to publishing scientific monographs of high scientific quality and importance for the development of science, or growth of the Polish economy, presenting scientific achievements, including the newest findings of research and development, to disseminate these findings at national and international levels, and to make them accessed online for free (open access, not bound by price and permission barriers).