The National Museum of Natural History in Luxembourg has released the second volume of a world Flora of lichenicolous fungi
The second volume of the world Flora of lichenicolous fungi by Paul Diederich, Damien Ertz and Uwe Braun has been published. The monograph focuses on Hyphomycetes – a group of asexual fungi in which conidia are not formed within complex conidiomata – and contains descriptions of 271 species of lichenicolous fungi belonging to the Ascomycota and several representatives of the Basidiomycota, including three genera and 55 species new to science. It is a comprehensive, richly illustrated work that includes phylogenetic analyses, distribution maps and identification keys. Scientists from our Institute, Dr. Adam Flakus and Dr. Valerii Darmostuk, co-authored two chapters and the concept of one species new to science.
The monograph can be downloaded free of charge as a PDF file from the Museum's Scientific Research Centre website. It is also possible to purchase a paper version.
The first volume, also available for download, is devoted to lichenicolous fungi belonging to the Basidiomycota.

Cover of the monograph.
Photo: (modified).