A PhD student from our Doctoral Study received the COLOSS Award for excellence 2021
It is our pleasure to inform you that Aleksandra Splitt – a PhD candidate at the Institute of Nature Conservation PAS and a PhD student at the Doctoral Study of Natural Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków – is one of the four winners of the COLOSS Award for excellence 2021. The aim of this award is to support COLOSS members from developing countries or early-career scientists whose proposal fits well within COLOSS mission: to improve the well-being of bees. COLOSS (Prevention of honey bee COlony LOSSes) is an international, non-profit association headquartered in Bern, Switzerland, that focuses on improving the well-being of bees at a global level. The association is composed of nearly 1,700 scientists, veterinarians and agricultural specialists from 103 countries. Aleksandra Splitt, who has been a member of COLOSS since 2017, will carry out a project entitled "Data Stewardship Makes a Bee-line for International Scientific Projects" later this year. Data stewardship addresses key issues related to the collection, processing and storage of scientific data.
Congratulations, Aleksandra!

Aleksandra Splitt at work.
Photo: Dariusz Schulz.