An annotated checklist of vascular plants of Poland – a must-have not only for botanists
The IB PAS Publishing House has published the third edition (significantly supplemented in relation to the 1995 and 2002 editions) of the checklist of vascular plants of Poland.
Mirek Z., Piękoś-Mirkowa H., Zając A., Zając M. 2020. Vascular Plants of Poland. An annotated checklist [Rośliny naczyniowe Polski. Adnotowany wykaz gatunków]. W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences.
This comprehensive publication is the result of collaboration between 20 botanists from various national research centres. One of its editors and main authors is Prof. Zbigniew Mirek, who has been associated with our Institute for over half a century.
The publication is a source of essential information for basic and applied research in the field of botany, agriculture, forestry, environmental protection etc. It can also help popularize botanical knowledge. The alphabetical list it contains includes 7402 Latin and 5761 Polish names referring to 4434 taxa – species and subspecies (sporadically varieties) of vascular plants found in our country. Native taxa, permanently established taxa (anthropophytes), casual aliens (ephemerophytes), and plants that are cultivated for decorative and utility purposes are included. Compared to the previous edition, the list has been enriched with approx. 500 new taxa.
The book is sold and distributed by the IB PAS Publishing House (e-mail:

Book cover.
Photo: P. Kapusta.