HYDROMICRO 2023 – a conference co-organized by IB PAS
The 12th National Hydromicrobiological Conference HYDROMICRO 2023 was held in Kraków on September 20–22. The conference was organized by our Institute together with the Jagiellonian University and the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot. The motto of this year's edition was: "Water microbiology – are we paying enough attention to it?" The special guest of the conference was an outstanding cyanobacteria researcher – prof. Spyros Gkelis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece). The lectures were divided into four thematic sessions regarding monitoring of the aquatic environment, pathogenic and drug-resistant microorganisms in the environment and technical environmental protection installations, research on interactions in aquatic environments and the use of aquatic microorganisms in environmental protection and biotechnology. The conference participants represented 16 research centres from Poland and 1 foreign one. The research results presented during the conference aroused great interest, which was reflected in interesting and substantive discussions.

Conference participants.
Photo: Michał Adamski