Articles in JCR Journals
Yurkov A., Alves A., Bai F.-Y., Boundy-Mills K., Buzzini P., Čadež N., Cardinali G., Casaregola S., Chaturvedi V., Collin V., Fell J.W., Girard V., Groenewald M., Hagen F., Hittinger C.T., Kachalkin A.V., Kostrzewa M., Kouvelis V., Libkind D., Liu X., Maier T., Meyer W., Péter G., Piątek M., Robert V., Rosa C.A., Sampaio J.P., Sipiczki M., Stadler M., Sugita T., Sugiyama J., Takagi H., Takashima M., Turchetti B., Wang Q.-M., Boekhout T. 2021. Nomenclatural issues concerning cultured yeasts and other fungi: why it is important to avoid unneeded name changes. IMA Fungus 12: 18. DOI
Zander P.D., Żarczyński M., Vogel H., Tylmann W., Wacnik A., Sanchini A., Grosjean M. 2021. A high-resolution record of Holocene primary productivity and water-column mixing from the varved sediments of Lake Żabińskie, Poland. Science of the Total Environment 755: 143713. DOI
Zubek S., Rożek K., Stefanowicz A.M., Błaszkowski J., Stanek M., Gielas I., Rola K. 2021. The impact of beech and riparian forest herbaceous plant species with contrasting traits on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi abundance and diversity. Forest Ecology and Management 492: 119245. DOI
Adamski M., Wołowski K., Kamiński A., Hindakova A. 2020. Cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin producers and the catalytic decomposition process: A review. Harmful Algae 98: 101894. DOI
Adamski M., Zimolag E., Kaminski A., Drukała J., Bialczyk J. 2020. Effects of cylindrospermopsin, its decomposition products, and anatoxin-a on human keratinocytes. Science of the Total Environment 765: 142670. DOI
Anderson H.M., Barbacka M., Bamford M.K., Holmes W.B.K., Anderson J.M. 2020. Dicroidium (foliage) and affiliated wood: part 3 of a reassessment of Gondwana Triassic plant genera and a reclassification of some previously attributed. Alcheringa 44: 64–92. DOI
Babst-Kostecka A., Przybyłowicz W.J., van der Ent A., Ryan C.G., Dietrich C.C., Mesjasz-Przybyłowicz J. 2020. Endosperm prevents toxic amounts of Zn from accumulating in the seed embryo – an adaptation to metalliferous sites in metal-tolerant Biscutella laevigata. Metallomics 12: 42–53. DOI
Bai X., Piątek J., Wołowski K., Bu Z., Chen X. 2020. New stomatocyst discoverd in Sphagnum, peatlands, Central China. Phytotaxa 477: 151–170. DOI
Blicharska M., Angelstam P., Giessen L., Hilszczański J., Hermanowicz E., Holeksa J., Jacobsen J.B., Jaroszewicz B., Konczal A., Konieczny A., Mikusiński G., Mirek Z., Mohren F., Muys B., Niedziałkowski K., Sotiroy M., Stereńczak K., Szwagrzyk J., Winder G.M., Witkowski Z., Zaplata R., Winkel G. 2020. Between biodiversity conservation and sustainable forest management – A multidisciplinary assessment of the emblematic Białowieża Forest case. Biological Conservation 248: 108614. DOI
Bogdanowicz W., Worobiec E., Grooms C., Kimpe L.E., Smol J.P., Stewart R.S., Suchecka E., Pomorski J.J., Blais J.M., Clare E.L., Fenton M.B. 2020. Pollen assemblage and environmental DNA changes: A 4300-year-old bat guano deposit from Jamaica. Quaternary International 558: 47–58. DOI
Bogdziewicz M., Szymkowiak J., Calama R., Crone E.E., Espelta J.M., Lesica P., Marino S., Steele M.A., Tenhumberg B., Tyre A., Żywiec M., Kelly D. 2020. Does masting scale with plant size? High reproductive variability and low synchrony in small and unproductive individuals. Annals of Botany 126: 971–979. DOI
Breman E., Hurdu B.-I., Kliment J., Kobiv Y., Kučera J., Mráz P., Pușcaș M., Renaud J., Ronikier M., Šibík J., Schmotzer A., Štubňová E., Szatmari P.-M., Tasenkevich L., Turis P., Slovák M. 2020. Conserving the endemic flora of the Carpathian Region: an international project to increase and share knowledge of the distribution, evolution and taxonomy of Carpathian endemics and to conserve endangered species. Plant Systematics and Evolution 306: 59. DOI
Cywa K., Wacnik A. 2020. First representative xylological data on the exploitation of wood by early medieval woodcrafters in the Polesia region, southwestern Belarus. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 30: 102252. DOI
Czajkowska B.I., Bogaard A., Charles M., Jones G., Kohler-Schneider M., Mueller-Bieniek A., Brown T.A. 2020. Ancient DNA typing indicates that the "new" glume wheat of early Eurasian agriculture is a cultivated member of the Triticum timopheevii group. Journal of Archaeological Science 123: 105258. DOI
Czekaj-Zastawny A., Rauba-Bukowska A., Kukułka A., Kufel-Diakowska B., Lityńska-Zając M., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Wilczyński J. 2020. The earliest farming communities north of the Carpathians: The settlement at Gwoździec site 2. PLoS ONE 15: e0227008. DOI
Dancewicz K., Slazak B., Kiełkiewicz M., Kapusta M., Bohdanowicz J., Gabryś B. 2020. Behavioral and physiological effects of Viola spp. cyclotides on Myzus persicae (Sulz.). Journal of Insect Physiology 122: 104025. DOI
Dumont H.J., Pociecha A., Zawisza E., Szeroczyńska K., Worobiec E., Worobiec G. 2020. Miocene cladocera from Poland. Scientific Reports 10: 12107. DOI
Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Atwood J.J., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Burghardt M., Dragićević S., Vuksanović S., Espinoza-Prieto B., Opisso J., Goga M., Bačkor M., Graulach A., Hugonnot V., Koroleva N.E., Chandini V.K., Manju C.N., Mufeed B., Natcheva R., Norhazrina N., Syazwana N., Peralta D.F., Plášek V., Popov S.Yu., Porley R.D., Rimac A., Alegro A., Vuković N., Koletić N., Šegota V., Sabovljević M.S., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Sérgio C., Ştefănut S., Taha M.A., Abou-Salama U.Y., Wolski G.J. 2020. New national and regional bryophyte records, 62. Journal of Bryology 42: 195–208. DOI
Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Czernyadjeva I.V., Konoreva L.A., Potemkin A.D., Kotkova V.M., Alataş M., Blom H.H., Boiko M., Cabral R.A., Jimenez S., Dagnino D., Turcato C., Minuto L., Erzberger P., Ezer T., Galanina O.V., Hodgetts N., Ignatov M.S., Ignatova E.A., Kazanovsky S.G., Kiebacher T., Köckinger H., Korolkova E.O., Larraín J., Maksimov A.I., Maity D., Martins A., Sim-Sim M., Monteiro F., Catarino L., Medina R., Nobis M., Nowak A., Ochyra R., Parnikoza I., Ivanets V., Plášek V., Philippe M., Saha P., Aziz Md.N., Shkurko A.V., Ştefănuţ S., Suárez G.M., Uygur A., Erkul K., Wierzgoń M., Graulich A. 2020. New national and regional bryophyte records, 63. Journal of Bryology 42: 281‒296. DOI
Ellis L.T., Alikhadzhiev M.Kh., Erzhapova R.S., Blom H.H., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Burghardt M., Cano M.J., Czernyadjeva I.V., Kuzmina E.Yu., Potemkin A.D., Doroshina G.Ya., Dagnino D., Turcato C., Minuto L., Drapela P., Dulin M.V., Fuertes E., Graulich A., Hassel K., Hedenäs L., Hofton T.H., Høitomt T., Jukonienė I., Kırmacı M., Koroleva N.E., Krajewski Ł., Kropik M., Kürschner H., Kushnevskaya E.V., Larraín J., Lebouvier M., Maksimov A.I., Pisarenko O.Yu., Plášek V., Skoupá Z., Popov S.Yu., Fedosov V.E., Puglisi M., Stebel A., Ştefănut S., Vončina G., Wierzgoń M., Guo S.-L. 2020. New national and regional bryophyte records, 64. Journal of Bryology 42: 393–412. DOI
Felde V.A., Flantua S.G.A., Jenks C.R., Benito B.M., de Beaulieu J.-L., Kuneš P., Magri D., Nalepka D., Risebrobakken B., ter Braak C.J.F., Allen J.R.M., Granoszewski W., Helmens K.F., Huntley B., Kondratienė O., Kalniņa L., Kupryjanowicz M., Malkiewicz M., Milner A.M., Nita M., Noryśkiewicz B., Pidek I.A., Reille M., Salonen J.S., Šeirienė V., Winter H., Tzedakis P.C., Birks H.J.B. 2020. Compositional turnover and variation in Eemian pollen sequences in Europe. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 29: 101–109. DOI
Feurdean A., Vannière B., Finsinger W., Warren D., Connor S.C., Forrest M., Liakka J., Panait A., Werner C., Andrič M., Bobek P., Carter V.A., Davis B., Diaconu A.-C., Dietze E., Feeser I., Florescu G., Gałka M., Giesecke T., Jahns S., Jamrichová E., Kajukało K., Kaplan J., Karpińska-Kołaczek M., Kołaczek P., Kuneš P., Kupriyanov D., Lamentowicz M., Lemmen C., Magyari E.K., Marcisz K., Marinova E., Niamir A., Novenko E., Obremska M., Pędziszewska A., Pfeiffer M., Poska A., Rösch M., Słowiński M., Stančikaitė M., Szal M., Święta-Musznicka J., Tanţău I., Theuerkauf M., Tonkov S., Valkó O., Vassiljev J., Veski S., Vincze I., Wacnik A., Wiethold J., Hickler T. 2020. Fire hazard modulation by long-term dynamics in land cover and dominant forest type in eastern and central Europe. Biogeosciences 17: 1213–1230. DOI
Filipović D., Meadows J., Corso M.D., Kirleis W., Alsleben A., Akeret Ö., Bittmann F., Bosi, G., Ciută B., Dreslerová D., Effenberger H., Gyulai F., Heiss A.G., Hellmund M., Jahns S., Jakobitsch T., Kapcia M., Klooß S., Kohler-Schneider M., Kroll H., Makarowicz P., Marinova E., Märkle T., Medović A., Mercuri A.M., Mueller-Bieniek A., Nisbet R., Pashkevich G., Perego R., Pokorný P., Pospieszny Ł., Przybyła M., Reed K., Rennwanz J., Stika H.-P., Stobbe A., Tolar T., Wasylikowa K., Wiethold J., Zerl, T. 2020. New AMS 14 C dates track the arrival and spread of broomcorn millet cultivation and agricultural change in prehistoric Europe. Scientific Reports 10: 13698. DOI
Fragnière Y., Pittet L., Clément B., Bétrisey S., Gerber E., Ronikier M., Parisod C., Kozlowski G. 2020. Climate change and alpine screes: no future for glacial relict Papaver occidentale (Papaveraceae) in Western Prealps. Diversity 12: 346. DOI
Gauthier J., Mouden C., Suchan T., Alvarez N., Arrigo N., Riou C., Lemaitre C., Peterlongo P. 2020. DiscoSnp-RAD: de novo detection of small variants for RAD-Seq population genomics. PeerJ 8: e9291. DOI