Artykuły w czasopismach JCR
Kapusta P., Wiśniewska O., Dmowska E., Kurek P. 2025. Effects of biopedturbation by European badger Meles meles on the forest soil food web persist for years as revealed by nematode indicators. Applied Soil Ecology 206: 105871. DOI
Piechnik Ł., Łabiszak B., Cieślak E., Szczepański S., Kurek P., Novikov A., Rosati L., Dönmez A.A., Dering M., Wójcik T., et al. 2025. Genetic and biometric patterns of rangewide divergence of iconic, Neogene relic broadleaved shrub species Staphylea pinnata L. – post-glacial expansion and human impact. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany in press. DOI
Rosche C., Broennimann O., Novikov A., Mrázová V., Boiko G.V., Danihelka J., Gastner M.T., Guisan A., Kožić K., Lehnert M., et al. 2025. Herbarium specimens reveal a cryptic invasion of polyploid Centaurea stoebe in Europe. New Phytologist 245: 392–405. DOI
Abu Bakar N., Lau B.Y.C., González-Aravena M., Smykla J., Krzewicka B., Karsani S.A., Alias S.A. 2024. Geographical diversity of proteomic responses to cold stress in the fungal genus Pseudogymnoascus. Microbial Ecology 87: 11. DOI
Adamski M., Flakus A., Kaminski A., Piątek J., Solarska M., Żmudzki P. 2024. The first report of the production of anatoxin-a by Bolivian terrestrial cyanobacteria. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 93: 177923. DOI
Bauernfeind V., Ronikier A., Ronikier M., Kozlowski G., Steiner U., Wilts B.D. 2024. Thin film structural color is widespread in slime molds (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa). Optics Express 32: 5429–5443. DOI
Bogdziewicz M., Chybicki I., Szymkowiak J., Ulaszewski B., Burczyk J., Szarek-Łukaszewska G., Meyza K., Sztupecka E., Ledwoń M., Piechnik Ł., Seget B., Kondrat K., Holeksa J., Żywiec M. 2024. Masting and efficient production of seedlings: balancing costs of variation through synchronized fruiting. Ecology Letters 27: e14514. DOI
Bogdziewicz M., Chybicki I., Szymkowiak J., Ulaszewski B., Burczyk J., Szarek-Łukaszewska G., Meyza K., Sztupecka E., Ledwoń M., Piechnik Ł., Seget B., Kondrat K., Gazda A., Żywiec M. 2024. Relatives reproduce in synchrony: kinship and individual condition shape intraspecific variation in masting phenotype. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291: 20232732. DOI
Bogdziewicz M., Kelly D., Ascoli D., Caignard T., Chianucci F., Crone E.E., Fleurot E., Foest J.J., Gratzer G., Hagiwara T., Han Q., Journé V., Keurinck L., Kondrat K., McClory R., La Montagne J.M., Mundo I.A., Nussbaumer A., Oberklammer I., Ohno M., Pearse I.S., Pesendorfer M.B., Resente G., Satake A., Shibata M., Snell R.S., Szymkowiak J., Touzot L., Zwolak R., Żywiec M., Hacket-Pain A.J. 2024. Evolutionary ecology of masting: mechanisms, models, and climate change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39: 851–862. DOI
Chen X., Bai X., Langdon P.G., Piątek J., Wołowski K., Peng J., Zheng T., Cao Y. 2024. Asynchronous multitrophic level regime shifts show resilience to lake browning. Science of The Total Environment 912: 168798. DOI
Chowaniec K., Zubek S., Zalewska-Gałosz J., Stanek M., Skubała K. 2024. Mosaic of biological soil crusts and vascular plants contributes to the spatial heterogeneity of key soil properties at different successional stages of restored inland sand dunes. Plant and Soil in press. DOI
Cieślak E., Ronikier M., Szczepaniak M. 2024. Glacial history of Saxifraga wahlenbergii (Saxifragaceae) in the context of refugial areas in the Western Carpathians. PhytoKeys 246: 295–314. DOI
Cywa K., Karczewski M., Wacnik A. 2024. Anthracological data as evidence of cultural distinctions in wood usage by communities from the Western Baltic cultural circle in Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 60: 104849. DOI
Darmostuk V., Flakus A. 2024. First molecular evidence of lichen-inhabiting Acrospermum and new insights into the evolution of lifestyles of Acrospermales (Dothideomycetes). Mycologia 116: 17–30. DOI
Darmostuk V., Sira O., Govorun O. 2024. New data about overlooked terricolous lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Ukraine. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 61: 59–66. DOI
del Hoyo-Meléndez J.M., Klisińska-Kopacz A., Kopyciak A., Krupska-Wolas P., Matosz M., Obarzanowski M., Ryguła A., Skóra K., Wilkosz T., Chmielewski F., Chmielewska M., Grochowska-Angelus M., Novljaković K., Tarsińska-Petruk D., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Goslar T., Ambroziak S., Biskupska A., Smolnicka A. 2024. Analysis of materials and artistic techniques in Vincent van Gogh's Country Huts Among Trees. Journal of Cultural Heritage 70: 293–301. DOI
Dikici B., Say Y., Zhao X., Niinomi M., Szechyńska-Hebda M. 2024. Investigation of in-vitro bioactivity, electrochemical corrosion, wettability and adhesion properties of bioglass-based coatings modified with Y2O3 and Zr on novel β-type Ti-30Zr-5Mo alloys. Surface and Coatings Technology 494: 131335. DOI
Ellis L.T., Adjie B., Alvarez D.J., Ardiles V., Asthana A.K., Atwood J.J., Bakalin V.A., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Boiko M., Budke J.M., Cedrés-Perdomo R.D., Cerrato M.D., Csiky J., Espinoza-Prieto B., Gabriel R., Gey S., Gil L., Graulich A., Hylander K., Kiebacher T., Konstantinova N.A., Kučera J., Kunev G., Larraín J., Lönnell N., Maciel-Silva A.S., Mamontov Yu.S., Mattos G.H.R., Mir-Rosselló P.M., Nadhifah A., Natcheva R., O’Leary S.V., Oliveira M.F., Opisso J., Papp B., Peñaloza-Bojacá G.F., Polaino-Martín C., Rawat K.K., Ribas-Serra A., Rosadziński S., Sahu V., Sipos A., Staniaszek-Kik M., Starzomski B.M., Suárez G.M., Tucker D.B.L., Verma A., Zagorodniuk N. 2024. New national and regional bryophyte records, 77. Journal of Bryology 46: 139–155. DOI
Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Ahmadi Sh., Alvarez D.J., Álvaro Alba W.R., Ashouri A., Aslan G., Campos L.V., Costa M.C.O., Csiky J., et al. 2024. New national and regional bryophyte records, 78. Journal of Bryology 46: 226–243. DOI
Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Alataş M., Alia H.B.M., Alvarez J., Aponte Rojas A.M., Atwood J.J., Bacilliere G., Batan N., Biberdžić V., Bruggeman-Nannenga M.A., Campos L.V., Cano M.J., Coca L.F., Czernyadjeva I.V., de Faria Lopes S., Dejonghe Q., Dragićević S., Erata H., Espinoza-Prieto B., Erzberger P., Ezer T., Forrest L.L., Goffinet B., Gonçalves O.A., Graulich A., Hugonnot V., Huttunen S., Ignatov M.S., Ignatova E.A., Jiménez J.A., Kumar S., Kuusisto I., Kuzmina E.Yu., Long D.G., Ma X.-Y., Maciel-Silva A.S., Manju C.N., Mufeed B., Müller F., Nosova M.B., Ochyra R., Oliveira M.F., Özkaya M.S., Pépin F., Plášek V., Puglisi M., Reeb C., Romanov R., Sajitha M.S., Saha T., Santos P.O., Shakira C., Shu Y.-M., Silva J.B., Singh D., Suárez G.M., Taşçi N., Tossou M., Tubanova D.Ya., Uribe-M J., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Vineesha P.M., Virtanen R., Wu Y.-H., Zheng T.-X. 2024. New national and regional bryophyte records, 76. Journal of Bryology 46: 51–74. DOI
Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Alataş M., Alia H.B.M., Alvarez J., Aponte Rojas A.M., Atwood J.J., Bacilliere G., Batan N., Biberdžić V., Bruggeman-Nannenga M.A., Campos L.V., Cano M.J., Coca L.F., Czernyadjeva I.V., de Faria Lopes S., Dejonghe Q., Dragićević S., Erata H., Espinoza-Prieto B., Erzberger P., Ezer T., Forrest L.L., Goffinet B., Gonçalves O.A., Graulich A., Hugonnot V., Huttunen S., Ignatov M.S., Ignatova E.A., Jiménez J.A., Kumar S., Kuusisto I., Kuzmina E.Yu., Long D.G., Ma X.-Y., Maciel-Silva A.S., Manju C.N., Mufeed B., Müller F., Nosova M.B., Ochyra R., Oliveira M.F., Özkaya M.S., Pépin F., Plášek V., Puglisi M., Reeb C., Romanov R., Sajitha M.S., Saha T., Santos P.O., Shakira C., Shu Y.-M., Silva J.B., Singh D., Suárez G.M., Taşçi N., Tossou M., Tubanova D.Ya., Uribe-M J., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Vineesha P.M., Virtanen R., Wu Y.-H., Zheng T.-X. 2024. New national and regional bryophyte records, 76. Journal of Bryology 46: 51–74. DOI
Ellis L.T., Alegro A., Alvarez D.J., Aponte Rojas A.M., Ashouri A., Atwood J.J., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Bîrsan C.-C., Burghardt M., Dhyani A., et al. 2024. New national and regional bryophyte records, 75. Journal of Bryology 45: 321–338. DOI
Gerlach S.L., Metcalf J.S., Dunlop R.A. Banack S.A., Her C., Krishnan V.V., Göransson U., Gunasekera S., Slazak B., Cox P.A. 2024. Kalata B1 enhances temozolomide toxicity to glioblastoma cells. Biomedicines 12: 2216. DOI
Gieniec M., Miszalski Z., Rozpądek P., Jędrzejczyk R.J., Czernicka M., Nosek M. 2024. How the ethylene biosynthesis pathway of semi-halophytes is modified with prolonged salinity stress occurrence. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25: 4777. DOI
Gorki J.L., López-Mañas R., Sáez L., Menchetti M., Shapoval N., Andersen A., Benyamini D., Daniels S., Garcia-Berro A., Reich M.S., Scalercio S., Toro-Delgado E., Bataille C.P., Domingo-Marimon C., Vila R., Suchan T., Talavera G. 2024. Pollen metabarcoding reveals the origin and multigenerational migratory pathway of an intercontinental-scale butterfly outbreak. Current Biology 34: P2684–2692.E6. DOI