Artykuły w czasopismach JCR
Gębica P., Michno A., Sobucki M., Czopek S., Trybała-Zawiślak K., Wacnik A. 2020. Temporal variation of prehistoric human settlement recorded in the oxbow lake deposits of San river (Sandomierz Basin, SE Poland). Geochronometria 46: 148–160 DOI. DOI
Gedl P., Worobiec E. 2020. Origin and timing of palaeovalleys in the Carpathian Foredeep basement (Sędziszów Małopolski-Rzeszów area; SE Poland) in the light of palynological studies. Marine and Petroleum Geology 115: 104277. DOI
Gieniec M., Siwek J., Oleszkiewicz T., Maćkowska K., Klimek-Chodacka M., Grzebelus E., Baranski R. 2020. Real-time detection of somatic hybrid cells during electrofusion of carrot protoplasts with stably labelled mitochondria. Scientific Reports 10: 18811. DOI
Godzik B. 2020. Use of bioindication methods in national, regional and local monitoring in Poland – Changes in the air pollution level over several decades. Atmosphere 11: 143. DOI
Janik P., Lado C., Ronikier A. 2020. Range-wide phylogeography of a nivicolous protist Didymium nivcola Meyl. (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa): Striking contrasts between the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere. Protist 171: 125771. DOI
Janik P., Ronikier M., Ronikier A. 2020. New protocol for successful isolation and amplification of DNA from exiguous fractions of specimens: a tool to overcome the basic obstacle in molecular analyses of myxomycetes. PeerJ 8: e8406. DOI
Kapusta P., Godzik B. 2020. Temporal and cross-regional variability in the level of air pollution in Poland – A study using moss as a bioindicator. Atmosphere 11: 157. DOI
Kapusta P., Kurek P., Piechnik Ł., Szarek-Łukaszewska G., Zielonka T., Żywiec M., Holeksa J. 2020. Natural and human-related determinants of dead wood quantity and quality in a managed European lowland temperate forest. Forest Ecology and Management 459: 117845. DOI
Kemler M., Denchev T.T., Denchev C.M., Begerow D., Piątek M., Lutz M. 2020. Host preference and sorus location correlate with parasite phylogeny in the smut fungal genus Microbotryum (Basidiomycota, Microbotryales). Mycological Progress 19: 481–493. DOI
Klesse S., DeRose R.J., Babst F., Black B.A., Anderegg L.D.L., Axelson J., Ettinger A., Griesbauer H., Guiterman C.H., Harley G., Harvey J.E., Lo Y.-H., Lynch A.M., O'Connor C., Restaino C., Sauchyn D., Shaw J.D., Smith D.J., Wood L., Villanueva‐Díaz J., Evans M.E.K. 2020. Continental-scale tree-ring-based projection of Douglas-fir growth: Testing the limits of space-for-time substitution. Global Change Biology 26: 5146–5163. DOI
Kosecka M., Jabłońska A., Flakus A., Rodriguez‐Flakus P., Kukwa M., Guzow‐Krzemińska B. 2020. Trentepohlialean algae (Trentepohliales, Ulvophyceae) show preference to selected mycobiont lineages in lichen symbioses. Journal of Phycology 56: 979–993. DOI
Kowalski R., Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Krajewska K. 2020. Oligocene plant assemblage from Rębiszów, Lower Silesia: First "volcanic flora" from Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65: 273–290. DOI
Krajewski Ł., Adamec L., Saługa M., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Plášek V. 2020. Welcome to the Czech Republic again! Rare northern mosses Calliergon megalophyllum and Drepanocladus sordidus (Amblystegiaceae) in South Bohemia in light of their European distribution and habitat preferences. PhytoKeys 154: 111–136. DOI
Krzewicka B., Matura N., Adamska E., Osyczka P. 2020. Species composition of freshwater lichens in temperate mountain streams: the effect of site, habitat and local spatial isolation. Preslia 92: 235–254. DOI
Lenarczyk J., Saługa M., Piątek J. 2020. Integrative approach helps clarify confusing taxonomy of the Pseudopediastrum boryanum species complex (Chlorophyceae), including recognition of five distinct species. Journal of Phycology 56: 1557–1574. DOI
Liu B., Paszko B. 2020. Calamagrostis hongii (Poaceae, Agrostidinae), a new species from southwestern China. PhytoKeys 166: 41–55. DOI
Ludwig L.R., Kantvilas G., Nilsen A.R., Orlovich D.A., Ohmura Y., Summerfield T.C., Wilk K., Lord J.M. 2020. A molecular-genetic reassessment of the circumscription of the lichen genus Icmadophila. The Lichenologist 52: 213–220. DOI
Milne-Rostkowska F., Holeksa J., Bogdziewicz M., Piechnik Ł., Seget B., Kurek P., Buda J., Żywiec M. 2020. Where can palatable young trees escape herbivore pressure in a protected forest? Forest Ecology and Management 47: 118221. DOI
Miranda-González R., Aptroot A., Lücking R., Flakus A., Barcenas-Peña A., de los Ángeles Herrera-Campos M. 2020. The identity, ecology and distribution of Polypyrenula (Ascomycota: Dothideomycetes): a new member of Trypetheliaceae revealed by molecular and anatomical data. The Lichenologist 52: 27–35. DOI
Mnich B., Mueller-Bieniek A., Nowak M., Wilczyński J., Pospuła S., Szostek K. 2020. Terrestrial diet in prehistoric human groups from southern Poland based on human, faunal and botanical stable isotope evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 32: 102382. DOI
Mueller-Bieniek A., Pyzel J., Kapcia M. 2020. Chenopodium seeds in open-air archaeological sites – How to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Environmental Archaeology 25: 69–81. DOI
Nobis M., Marciniuk J., Marciniuk P., Wolanin M., Király G., Nowak A., Paszko B., Klichowska E., Moreno-Moral G., Piwowarczyk R., Sánchez-Pedraja Ó., Wróbel A., Egorova I.N., Eliaš P.Jr., Krivenko D.A., Kuzmin I.V., Lazkov G.A., Mei G., Nobis A., Olonova M.V., Soreng R.J., Stinca A., Vasjukov V.M., Vershinin N.A. 2020. Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 9. Turkish Journal of Botany 44: 455–480. DOI
Ochyra R., Plášek V. 2020. The sinking of another endemic in the moss flora of Tristan da Cunha and its phytogeographical consequences. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 89: 8936. DOI
Ochyra R., van Rooy J., Bryan V.S. 2020. Ephemerum homomallum (Pottiaceae) and Torrentaria aquatica (Brachytheciaceae), two more American moss species new to Africa. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 89: 8938. DOI
Owczarek-Kościelniak M., Krzewicka B., Piątek J., Kołodziejczyk Ł.M., Kapusta P. 2020. Is there a link between the biological colonization of the gravestone and its deterioration? International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 148: 104879. DOI