Artykuły w czasopismach JCR
Worobiec G., Worobiec E., Widera M., Słodkowska B. 2024. Cancellidium intergraniferum (R. Potonié & S.C.D. Sah) G. Worobiec & E. Worobiec, comb. nov. from the Miocene of Poland, with remarks on the fossil history and palaeoecological potential of Cancellidium. Palynology 48: 2312277. DOI
Wyka J., Dyderski M. K., Grzędzicka E., Lešo P., Piechnik Ł., Kajtoch Ł. 2024. I want to climb to the tops of trees! Factors facilitating the development of ivy vines in central European forests. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research in press. DOI
Xu Y., Barbacka M., Kapusta P., Jarzynka A., Wang Y., McLoughlin S. 2024. Revision of Sagenopteris (Caytoniales): a major lineage of the Mesozoic seed plants. Papers in Palaeontology 10: e1607. DOI
Zubek S., Rożek K., Chomolowska D., Odriozola I., Větrovský T., Skubała K., Dobler P. T., Stefanowicz A.M., Stanek M., Orzechowska A., Kohout P., Baldrian P. 2024. Dominant herbaceous plants contribute to the spatial heterogeneity of beech and riparian forest soils by influencing fungal and bacterial diversity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 193: 109405. DOI
Alexandrowicz W.P., Skoczylas-Śniaz S., Laskowska P. 2023. Malacological indicators of anthropogenic and natural environmental changes of the Podhale Basin during the last 2000 years. Studies in the Rogoźnik Stream valley (the Carpathian Mountains, Southern Poland). Geology Geophysics and Environment 49: 261–280. DOI
Ambu J., Martínez-Solano Í., Suchan T., Hernandez A., Wielstra B., Crochet P.-A., Dufresnes C. 2023. Genomic phylogeography illuminates deep cyto-nuclear discordances in midwife toads (Alytes). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 183: 107783. DOI
Antczak-Orlewska O., Okupny D., Pawłowski D., Kotrys B., Krąpiec M., Luoto T.P., Peyron O., Płóciennik M., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Wacnik A., Szmańda J.B., Szychowska-Krąpiec E., Kittel P. 2023. The environmental history of the oxbow in the Luciąża River valley – Study on the specific microclimate during Allerød and Younger Dryas in central Poland. Quaternary International 644–645: 178–195. DOI
Bai X., Piątek J., Wołowski K., Yang T., Chen X. 2023. Sedimentary chrysophycean stomatocysts from an alpine lake in the Three Gorge Reservoir region, central China. Nova Hedwigia 116: 193–230. DOI
Bernacki M.J., Mielecki J., Antczak A., Drożdżek M., Witoń D., Dąbrowska-Bronk J., Gawroński P., Burdiak P., Marchwicka M., Rusaczonek A., Dąbkowska-Susfał K., Strobel W.R., Mellerowicz E.J., Zawadzki J., Szechyńska-Hebda M., Karpiński S. 2023. Biotechnological potential of the stress response and plant cell death regulators proteins in the biofuel industry. Cells 12: 2018. DOI
Bogdziewicz M., Acuña M.-C.A., Andrus R., Ascoli D., Bergeron Y., Brveiller D., Boivin T., Bonal R., Caignard T., Cailleret M., Calama R., Calderon S.D., Camarero J.J., Chang-Yang C.-H., Chave J., Chianucci F., Cleavitt N.L., Courbaud B., Cutini A., Curt T., Das A.J., Davi H., Delpierre N., Delzon S., Dietze M., Dormont L., Farfan-Rios W., Gehring C.A., Gilbert G.S., Gratzer G., Greenberg C.H., Guignabert A., Guo Q., Hacket-Pain A., Hampe A., Han Q., Hoshizaki K., Ibanez I., Johnstone J.F., Journé V., Kitzberger T., Knops J.M.H., Kunstler G., Kobe R., Lageard J.G.A., LaMontagne J.M., Ledwon M., Leininger T., Limousin J.-M., Lutz J.A., Macias D., Marell A., McIntire E.J.B., Moran E., Motta R., Myers J.A., Nagel T.A., Naoe S., Noguchi M., Oguro M., Kurokawa H., Ourcival J.-M., Parmenter R., Perez-Ramos I.M., Piechnik L., Podgórski T., Poulsen J., Qiu T., Redmond M.D., Reid C.D., Rodman K.C., Šamonil P., Holik J., Scher C.L., Van Marle H.S., Seget B., Shibata M., Sharma S., Silman M., Steele M.A., Straub J.N., Sun I.-F., Sutton S., Swenson J.J., Thomas P.A., Uriarte M., Vacchiano G., Veblen T.T., Wright B., Wright S.J., Whitham T.G., Zhu K., Zimmerman J.K., Zywiec M., Clark J.S. 2023. Linking seed size and number to trait syndromes in trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 683–694. DOI
Bogdziewicz M., Calama R., Courbaud B., Espelta J.M., Hacket-Pain A., Journé V., Kunstler G., Steele M., Qiu T., Zywiec M., Clark J.S. 2023. How to measure mast seeding? New Phytologists 239: 830–838. DOI
Cano M.J., Jiménez J.A., Ochyra R., Guerra J. 2023. Weissia balansae (Müll. Hal.) R.H. Zander (Bryophyta) and other new or otherwise interesting records of Pottiaceae for sub-Saharan Africa. Nova Hedwigia 116: 1–21. DOI
Castro S., Muratet A., Szczepaniak M., Nguefack J., Hardion L. 2023. RAD sequencing, morphometry and synecology clarify the taxonomy of the Melica ciliata (Poaceae) complex in France and Poland. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 61: 764–775. DOI
Castro S., Muratet A., Szczepaniak M., Nguefack J., Hardion L. 2023. RAD sequencing, morphometry and synecology clarify the taxonomy of the Melica ciliata (Poaceae) complex in France and Poland. Journal of Systematics and Evolution in press. DOI
Crous P.W., Osieck E.R., Shivas R.G., Tan Y.P., Bishop-Hurley S.L., Esteve-Raventós F., Larsson E., Luangsa-ard J.J., Pancorbo F., Balashov S., Baseia I.G., Boekhout T., Chandranayaka S., Cowan D.A., Cruz R.H.S.F., Czachura P., De la Peña-Lastra S., Dovana F., Drury B., Fell J., Flakus A., Fotedar R., Jurjević Ž., Kolecka A., Mack J., Maggs-Kölling G., Mahadevakumar S., Mateos A., Mongkolsamrit S., Noisripoom W., Plaza M., Overy D.P., Piątek M., Sandoval-Denis M., Vauras J., Wingfield M.J., Abell S.E., Ahmadpour A., Akulov A., Alavi F., Alavi Z., Altes A., Alvarado P., Anand G., Ashtekar N., Assyov B., Banc-Prandi G., Barbosa K.D., Barreto G.G., Bellanger J.-M., Bezerra J.L., Bhat D.J., Bilanski P., Bose T., Bozok F., Chaves J., Costa-Rezende D.H., Danteswari C., Darmostuk V., Delgado G., Denman S., Eichmeier A., Etayo J., Eyssartier G., Faulwetter S., Ganga K.G.G., Ghosta Y., Goh J., Góis J.S., Gramaje D., Granit L., Groenewald M., Gulden G., Gusmão L.F.P., Hammerbacher A., Heidarian Z., Hywel-Jones N., Jankowiak R., Kaliyaperumal M., Kaygusuz O., Kezo K., Khonsanit A., Kumar S., Kuo C.H., Læssøe T., Latha K.P.D., Loizides M., Luo S.M., Maciá-Vicente J.G., Manimohan P., Marbach P.A.S., Marinho P., Marney T.S., Marques G., Martín M.P., Miller A.N., Mondello F., Moreno G., Mufeeda K.T., Mun H.Y., Nau T., Nkomo T., Okrasińska A., Oliveira J.P.A.F., Oliveira R.L., Ortiz D.A., Pawłowska J., Pérez-De-Gregorio M.À., Podile A.R., Portugal A., Privitera N., Rajeshkumar K.C., Rauf I., Rian B., Rigueiro-Rodríguez A., Rivas-Torres G.F., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Romero-Gordillo M., Saar I., Saba M., Santos C.D., Sarma P.V.S.R.N., Siquier J.L., Sleiman S., Spetik M., Sridhar K.R., Stryjak-Bogacka M., Szczepańska K., Taşkın H., Tennakoon D.S., Thanakitpipattana D., Trovao J., Türkekul İ., van Iperen A.L., van ’t Hof P., Vasquez G., Visagie C.M., Wingfield B.D., Wong P.T.W., Yang W.X., Yarar M., Yarden O., Yilmaz N., Zhang N., Zhu Y.N., Groenewald J.Z. 2023. Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478–1549. Persoonia 50: 158–310. DOI
Cywa K., Kula K. 2023. Problem of yew Taxus baccata L. wood toxicity. Xylological studies of medieval everyday objects from Poland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 49: 103921. DOI
Filipović D., Jones G., Kirleis W., Bogaard A., Ballantyne R., Charles M., de Vareilles A., Ergun M., Gkatzogia E., Holguin A., Hristova I., Karathanou A., Kapcia M., Knežić D., Kotzamani G., Lathiras P., Livarda A., Marinova E., Michou S., Mosulishvili M., Mueller-Bieniek A., Obradović D., Padgett M., Paraskevopoulou P., Petridou C., Stylianakou H., Zerl T., Vidas D., Valamoti S.M. 2023. Triticum timopheevii s.l. (‘new glume wheat’) finds in regions of southern and eastern Europe across space and time. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany in press. DOI
Ginter A., Piech W., Krąpiec M., Moska P., Sikorski J., Hrynowiecka A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Cywa K., Piotrowska N., Mroczkowska A., Tołoczko W., Okupny D., Mazurkevich A., Kittel P. 2023. Intense and quick land relief transformation in the Little Ice Age: The age of accumulative fan deposits in Serteyka River Valley (Western East European Plain). Quaternary International 644–645: 160–177. DOI
Ivanets V., Wierzgoń M., Yevchun H., Parnikoza I. 2023. Range extensions for moss species on the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 44: 61–88. DOI
Izworska K., Muter E., Matulewski P., Zielonka T. 2023. Tree rings as an ecological indicator of the reaction of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) to climate change and disturbance regime in the extreme environment of cliff forests. Ecological Indicators 148: 110102. DOI
Izworska K., Zielonka T., Matulewski P., Muter E. 2023. Daily climatic data better explain the radial growth of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) in high-elevation cliffs in the Carpathians. Forests 14: 1411. DOI
Jędrzejczyk R.J., Gustab M., Ważny R., Domka A., Jodłowski P.J., Sitarz M., Bezkosty P., Kowalski M., Pawcenis D., Jarosz K., Sebastian V., Łabaj P.P., Rozpądek P. 2023. Iron inactivation by Sporobolomyces ruberrimus and its potential role in plant metal stress protection. An in vitro study. Science of The Total Environment 870: 161887. DOI
Kajtoch Ł., Grzędzicka E., Piechnik Ł., Wyka J., Lešo P. 2023. Evergreen ivy vines as a key element maintaining the high diversity of birds wintering in Central European forests. Forest Ecology and Management 544: 121165. DOI
Khalilizadeh H., Ashouri A.R., Ghaderi A., Barbacka M. 2023. Two fossilized swamps containing in situ Sphenophyta stems, rhizomes, and root systems from the Middle Jurassic Hojedk Formation, Kerman area (Iran). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 103: 3–20. DOI
Khodosovtsev A., Darmostuk V., Kondratyuk S. 2023. Xanthoria tendraensis sp. nov. and Xanthorietum tendraensis ass. nova from the northern Black Sea coast (Ukraine). Folia Geobotanica 58: 109–126. DOI