Artykuły w czasopismach JCR
Ochyra R., Ireland R.R. 2016. Isopterygium tenerifolium (Hypnaceae, Bryophyta) – one more Afro-American disjunct. Herzogia 29: 72–78. DOI
Owczarek-Kościelniak M.M., Chlebicki A., Sterflinger K. 2016. Aureobasidium pullulans from Juncus trifidus L. roots. Phytotaxa 266: 125–133. DOI
Paszko B., Chen W.-L., Liu B. 2016. Confirmation of Calamagrostis salina in China, previously misidentified as C. macilenta, and notes about C. kokonorica and C. macilenta (Poaceae, Agrostidinae). Phytotaxa 268: 251–262. DOI
Paszko B., Chen W.-L., Liu B. 2016. Calamagrostis altaica, a neglected species of the Chinese Flora with notes on C. korotkyi (Poaceae, Agrostidinae). Phytotaxa 286: 256–266. DOI
Paul W. 2016. (272–275) Is wrong better than nothing? Proposals to change or make more precise Article 41.6. Taxon 65: 655. DOI
Paul W., Cieślak E., Ronikier M., Migdałek G., Słomka A., Żabicka J. 2016. Low genetic diversity of declining Viola uliginosa (Violaceae) at its southern range limits in Poland. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 58: 71–82. DOI
Piątek M., Riess K., Karasiński D., Yorou N.S., Lutz M. 2016. Integrative analysis of the West African Ceraceosorus africanus sp. nov. provides insights into the diversity, biogeography, and evolution of the enigmatic Ceraceosorales (Fungi: Ustilaginomycotina). Organisms Diversity & Evolution 16: 743–760. DOI
Pócs T., Ochyra R., Bednarek-Ochyra H. 2016. Lepidozia cupressina (Marchantiopsida, Lepidoziaceae) in sub-Saharan Africa, with a note on the taxonomic status of L. chordulifera. Cryptogamie, Bryologie 37: 125–147. DOI
Poniewozik M. 2016. The euglenoid genus Trachelomonas (Euglenophyta) from eastern Poland. Study on morphology and ultrastructure of envelopes with comments on morphologically similar species. Phytotaxa 278: 181–211. DOI
Printzen C., Halda J.P., McCarthy J.W., Palice Z., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Thor G., Tønsberg T., Vondrák J. 2016. Five new species of Biatora from four continents. Herzogia 29: 566–585. DOI
Schröder W., Nikel S., Schönrock S., Meyer M., Wosniok W., Harmens H., Frontasyeva M.V., Alber R., Aleksiayenak J., Barandovski L., Carballeira A., Danielsson H., de Temmermann L., Godzik B., Jeran Z., Pihl Karlsson G., Lazo P., Leblond S., Lindroos A.-J., Liiv S., Magnússon S.H., Mankovska B., Martínez-Abaigar J., Piispanen J., Poikolainen J., Popescu I.V., Qarri F., Santamaria J.M., Skutnik M., Špirić Z., Stafilov T., Steinnes E., Stihi C., Thöni L., Uggerud H.T., Zechmeister H.G. 2016. Spatially valid data of atmospheric deposition of heavy metals and nitrogen derived by moss surveys for pollution risk assessments of ecosystems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 10457–10476. DOI
Slazak B., Kapusta M., Malik S., Bohdanowicz J., Kuta E., Malec P., Göransson U. 2016. Immunolocalization of cyclotides in plant cells, tissues and organ supports their role in host defense. Planta 244: 1029–1040. DOI
Spisak W., Chlebicki A., Kaszczyszyn M. 2016. Galvanic microcells as control agent of indoor microorganisms. Scientific Reports 6: 35847. DOI
Stefanowicz A.M., Stanek M., Nobis M., Zubek S. 2016. Species-specific effects of plant invasions on activity, biomass, and composition of soil microbial communities. Biology and Fertility of Soils 52: 841–852. DOI
Stefanowicz A.M., Stanek M., Woch M.W. 2016. High concentrations of heavy metals in beech forest understory plants growing on waste heaps left by Zn-Pb ore mining. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 169: 157–162. DOI
Suchan T., Pitteloud C., Gerasimova N.S., Kostikova A., Schmid S., Arrigo N., Pajkovic M., Ronikier M., Alvarez N. 2016. Hybridization capture using RAD probes (hyRAD), a new tool for performing genomic analyses on museum collection specimens. PLoS ONE 11: e0151651. DOI
Szczepaniak M., Kamiński R., Kuta E., Słomka A., Heise W., Cieślak E. 2016. Natural hybridization between Gladiolus palustris and G. imbricatus inferred from morphological, molecular and reproductive evidence. Preslia 88: 137–161. Link
Szejner P., Wright W.E., Babst F., Belmecheri S., Trouet V., Leavitt S.W., Ehleringer J.R., Monson R.K. 2016. Latitudinal gradients in tree ring stable carbon and oxygen isotopes reveal differential climate influences of the North American Monsoon System. JGR Biogeosciences 121: 1978–1991. DOI
Wacnik A., Tylmann W., Bonk A., Goslar T., Enters D., Meyer-Jacob C., Grosjean M. 2016. Determining the responses of vegetation to natural processes and human impacts in north-eastern Poland during the last millennium: combined pollen, geochemical and historical data. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 25: 479–498. DOI
Wasowicz P., Pauwels M., Pasierbinski A., Przedpelska-Wasowicz E.M., Babst-Kostecka A.A, Saumitou-Laprade P., Rostanski A. 2016. Phylogeography of Arabidopsis halleri (Brassicaceae) in mountain regions of Central Europe inferred from cpDNA variation and ecological niche modelling. PeerJ 4: e1645. DOI
Wojtczak G., Janik P. 2016. Phytoremediation with Geosiphon-like symbiosis? Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 5992–5994. DOI
Woźniak-Chodacka M. 2016. Validation of the name Oenothera hoelscheri var. albinervis (Onagraceae). Phytotaxa 286: 32–38. DOI
Zhao X., Leavitt S.D., Zhao Z.T., Zhang L.L., Arup U., Grube M., Pérez-Ortega S., Printzen C., Śliwa L., Kraichak E., Divakar P.K., Crespo A., Lumbsch H.T. 2016. Towards a revised generic classification of lecanoroid lichens (Lecanoraceae, Ascomycota) based on molecular, morphological and chemical evidence. Fungal Diversity 78: 293–304. DOI
Zubek S., Majewska M.L., Błaszkowski J., Stefanowicz A.M., Nobis M., Kapusta P. 2016. Invasive plants affect arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi abundance and species richness as well as the performance of native plants grown in invaded soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 52: 879–893. DOI
Płachno B.J., Wołowski K., Augustynowicz J., Łukaszek M. 2015. Diversity of algae in a thallium and other heavy metals-polluted environment. Annales de Limnologie – International Journal of Limnology 51: 139–146. DOI