Artykuły w czasopismach JCR
Woźniak-Chodacka M. 2019. Validation of the name Oenothera italica (Onagraceae). Phytotaxa 387: 262‒264. DOI
Woźniak-Chodacka M. 2019. Taxonomic notes and validation of Oenothera acutifolia (Onagraceae). Phytotaxa 427: 75–79. DOI
Wu X., Li X., Liu H., Ciais P., Li Y., Xu C., Babst F., Guo W., Hao B., Wang P., Huang Y., Liu S., Tian Y., He B., Zhang C. 2019. Uneven winter snow influence on tree growth across temperate China. Global Change Biology 25: 144–154. DOI
Żarczyński M., Wacnik A., Tylmann W. 2019. Tracing lake mixing and oxygenation regime using the Fe/Mn ratio in varved sediments: 2000 year-long record of human-induced changes from Lake Żabińskie (NE Poland). Science of the Total Environment 657: 585–596. DOI
Żywiec M., Fedriani J.M., Kurek P., Holeksa J. 2019. Non-trophic plant–animal interactions mediate positive density dependence among conspecific saplings. Oikos 128: 1041–1050. DOI
Alexander M.R., Rollinson C.R., Babst F., Trouet V., Moore D.J.P. 2018. Relative influences of multiple sources of uncertainty on cumulative and incremental tree-ring-derived aboveground biomass estimates. Trees 32: 265–276. DOI
Angelov G., Szczepaniak M. 2018. Seed proteins variation and systematic affinities among four taxa of genus Elymus (Triticeae – Poaceae). Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences 71: 345–350. DOI
Angelov G., Szczepaniak M. 2018. Isoenzyme variation and systematic affinities among four Elymus species (Triticeae – Poaceae) with different genomic constitution. Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences 71: 483–490. DOI
Babst F., Bodesheim P., Charney N., Friend A.D., Girardin M.P., Klesse S., Moore D.J.P., Seftigen K., Björklund J., Bouriaud O., Dawson A., DeRose R.J., Dietze M.C., Eckes A.H., Enquist B., Frank D.C., Mahecha M.D., Poulter B., Record S., Trouet V., Turton R.H., Zhang Z., Evans M.F.K. 2018. When tree rings go global: Challenges and opportunities for retro- and prospective insight. Quaternary Science Review 197: 1–20. DOI
Babst-Kostecka A., Schat H., Samitou-Laprade P., Grodzińska K., Bourceaux A., Pauwels M., Frérot H. 2018. Evolutionary dynamics of quantitative variation in an adaptive trait at the regional scale: The case of zinc hyperaccumulation in Arabidopsis halleri. Molecular Ecology 27: 3257–3273. DOI
Bednarek-Ochyra H. 2018. Pantemperate distribution of Bucklandiella sudetica (Bryophyta, Grimmiaceae) in the Southern Hemisphere. Herzogia 31: 48–55. DOI
Bednarek-Ochyra H. 2018. The answer to the riddle of the taxonomic status of Bucklandiella bartramii (Bryophyta, Grimmiaceae). Herzogia 31: 56–69. DOI
Bednarek-Ochyra H., Plášek V., Guo S.-L. 2018. A brief survey of bryological studies in the Subantarctic, including Macrocoma tenue (Orthotrichaceae), a moss genus and species newly found in Îles Kerguelen. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 87: 3597. DOI
Börner A., Hrynowiecka A., Stachowicz-Rybka R., Niska M., Moskal-del Hoyo M., Kuznetsov V., Maksimov F., Petrov A. 2018. Palaeoecological investigations and 230Th/U dating of the Eemian Interglacial peat sequence from Neubrandenburg-Hinterste Mühle (Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, NE Germany). Quaternary International 467: 62–78. DOI
Cywa K. 2018. Trees and shrubs used in medieval Poland for making everyday objects. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 27: 111–136. DOI
Czortek P., Delimat A., Dyderski M.K., Zięba A., Jagodziński A.M., Jaroszewicz B. 2018. Climate change, tourism and historical grazing influence the distribution of Carex lachenalii Schkuhr – A rare arctic-alpine species in the Tatra Mts. Science of the Total Environment 618: 1628–1637. DOI
Czortek P., Eycott A.E., Grytnes J.-A., Delimat A., Kapfer J., Jaroszewicz B. 2018. Effects of grazing abandonment and climate change on mountain summits flora: a case study in the Tatra Mts. Plant Ecology 219: 261–276. DOI
Czortek P., Kapfer J., Delimat A., Eycott A.E., Grytnes J.-A., Orczewska A., Ratyńska H., Zięba A., Jaroszewicz B. 2018. Plant species composition shifts in the Tatra Mts as a response to environmental change: a resurvey study after 90 years. Folia Geobotanica 53: 333–348. DOI
Dietze E., Theuerkauf M., Bloom K., Brauer A., Dörfler W., Feeser I., Feurdean A., Gedminienė L., Giesecke T., Jahns S., Karpińska-Kołaczek M., Kołaczek P., Lamentowicz M., Latałowa, M., Marcisz K., Obremska M., Pędziszewska A., Poska A., Rehfeld K., Stančikaitė M., Stivrins N., Święta-Musznicka J., Szal M., Vassiljev J., Veski S., Wacnik A., Weisbrodt D., Wiethold J., Vannière B., Słowiński M. 2018. Holocene fire activity during low-natural flammability periods reveals scale-dependent cultural human-fire relationships in Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews 201: 44–56. DOI
Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Aleffi M., Andriamiarisoa R.L., Bačkor M., Goga M., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Callaghan D.A., Campisi P., Dia M.G., Marino M.L., Enroth J., Erzberger P., Hugonnot V., Ignatova E.A., Kiebacher T., Kučera J., Lebouvier M., Maria G.M., Ştefănuţ S., Nagy J., Pócs T., Poponessi S., Venanzoni R., Gigante D., Prosser F., Reeb C., Sabovljević M.S., Shevock J.R., Shirzadian S., Akhoondi Darzikolaei S., Souza E.R.F., Silva Pinto A., Silva J.B., Lopes S.F., Torzewski K., Kazienko A. 2018. New national and regional bryophyte records, 55. Journal of Bryology 40: 173–187. DOI
Ellis L.T., Afonina O.M., Andriamiarisoa R.L., Asthana G., Bharti R., Aymerich P., Bambe B., Boiko M., Brugués M., Ruiz E., Sáez L., Cano M.J., Ros R., Čihal L., Deme J., Csiky J., Dihoru G., Dřevojan P., Ezer T., Fedosov V.E., Ignatova E.A., Seregin A.P., Garcia C.A., Martins A., Sérgio C., Sim-Sim M., Rodrigues A.S.B., Gradstein S.R., Reeb C., Irmah A., Suleiman M., Koponen T., Kučera J., Lebouvier M., LiQun Y., Long D.G., Maksimov A.I., Maksimova T.A., Muñoz J., Nobis M., Nowak A., Ochyra R., O'Leary S.V., Osorio F., Pisarenko O.Yu., Plášek V., Skoupá Z., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Schnyder N., Shevock J.R., Ştefănuţ S., Sulayman M., Sun B.-Y., Park S.J., Tubanova D.Ya., Váňa J., Wolski G.J., Yao K.-Y., Yoon Y-J., Yücel E. 2018. New national and regional bryophyte records, 56. Journal of Bryology 40: 271–296. DOI
Ellis L.T., Aleffi M., Asthana G., Bhagat C., Bakalin V.A., Baráth K., Becker R., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Boiko M., Brito M.R., Pimentel C., Brugués M., Sáez L., Dřevojan P., Enroth J., Erzberger P., Fedosov V.E., Fontinha S., Fuertes Lasala E., Gabriel R., Gallego M., Gradstein S.R., Homm Th., Hugonnot V., Ivchenko T.G., Klimova K.G., Kučera J., Lamkowski P., Lapshina E.D., Lebouvier M., López González A.L., Ma W.-Z., Manolaki P., Monteiro J., Vieira C., Portela A.P., Sim-Sim M., Maksimov A.I., Norhazrina N., Syazwana N., Asyifaa S., Poponessi S., Venanzoni R., Gigante D., Prosser F., Potemkin A.D., Kotkova V.M., Sabovljević M.S., Sabovljević A.D., Schäfer-Verwimp A., Sérgio C., Garcia C., Shevock J.R., Stebel A., Drobnik J., Vončina G., Wei Y.-M. 2018. New national and regional bryophyte records, 57. Journal of Bryology 40: 399–419. DOI
Ellis L.T., Wilbraham J., Aleffi M., Asthana A.K., Rawat K.K., Gupta D., Sahu V., Katiyar P., Asthana G., Srivastava A., Baráth K., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Bruno Silva J., Emanuely de Araújo Farias C., Rangel Germano S., Czernyadjeva I.V., Doroshina G.Ya., Delgadillo Moya C., Peña Retes P., Erzberger P., Fuertes E., Garcia-Avila D., Garilleti R., Hedderson T.A., West A., Hugonnot V., Kürschner H., Lagrandie J., Lara F., Draper I., Lebouvier M., Lönnell N., Hallingbäck T., Mesterházy A., Muñoz J., Németh C.S., Park S.J., Sun B.-Y., Pérez G., Plášek V., Poponessi S., Vernanzoni R., Gigante D., Philippe M., Porley R.D., Sérgio C., Ministro P., Ştefănuţ S., Suárez G.M., Flores J.R., Sulayman M., Wilding N., Yoon Y.-J. 2018. New national and regional bryophyte records, 54. Journal of Bryology 40: 74–97. DOI
Etayo J., Flakus A., Kukwa M. 2018. Three new lichenicolous species of the genus Plectocarpon (Ascomycota: Lecanographaceae) discovered in the Bolivian Andes. Phytotaxa 357: 275–283. DOI
García-Cervigón A.I., Żywiec M., Delibes M., Suárez-Esteban E., Perea R., Fedriani J.M. 2018. Microsites of seed arrival: spatio-temporal variations in complex seed-disperser networks. Oikos 127: 1001–1013. DOI